Wednesday 27 May 2015

"Ease" my "Frizzy" Hair..

 I’ve dyed my hair every colour under the sun from the age of fourteen, usually I dye it dark and decide shortly after I want it light again so I have to bleach it, and no matter was a stylist says, your hair will be damaged and so you have to go through the process of getting it back into good condition!
I can honestly say I’m lazy in the department. 
I just buy what’s on offer and hope for the best! But one range I always go back to for their serums is John Frieda's Frizz Ease… without a doubt I notice a difference in my hair quickly after beginning to use it again... Why do we stop using what we know works??
So this is the serum I purchased this time...

There are so many choices within the brand, but I chose the "Original" one because I could put it in my wet hair and it fights the frizz before the hairdryer gets to it. 
Its a clear gel the smooths into the hair easily and isn't sticky which is always nice!

Testing it Out
The first day I used it I used two pumps throughout my hair, the next day my hair was a little greasy but not terrible but I did notice an immediate improvement in my hair.

The second time I washed it I used one pump and throughout my hair again, the next day again my hair was a little slick, so

The third time I used it I used one pump and just on the lengths of my hair and a little bit further up on the fronts as they get most of the heat with the hairdryer and straighteners.

And Bingo, my hair stays much “cleaner” looking for longer. 

I always test how my hair is with the serums like that as some can turn your hair into a grease-ball and others not so much. 

With this serum I felt I could definitely do one pump throughout the hair for a night out if I was to put a lot of heat on it, otherwise just one put in wet hair at the ends and the front and I really have noticed a great difference in blow drying and over appearance in a short period of time. 

The tube looks like it will last me until autumn but I will continue to repurchase a serum within the Frizz Ease brand. 

Did you enjoy my review? Maybe you might like to read some more? 

Come follow me on Instagram @jennuinelyinteresed and twitter @J3NMD 

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